This lovely little cat was poisoned when young and her family got her from the DSPCA who had to keep the cat four weeks until she regained her health and got the all clear. Kirsten and Ivan her owners idolized her and living in an apartment they decided to keep her as an indoor cat only.
One day Pippa jumped from the window and headed straight to the engine of a parked vehicle in the car park. The engine was a safe haven at least until the car started up and Pippa got a massive fright along with her owners and she ran away. The owners were unable to locate Pippa and were terrified as she had possibly suffered injuries.
The Pet Detective was called in six days later and after spending a night and day on the search Pippa was located, she trusted in the Pet Detective but not enough to let him catch her, a humane cat trap with baby monitors was used and Pippa was recovered. She was found just in time as she had a horrific leg injury which led to an amputation but now the kitty has a perfectly happy life on three legs with Kirsten and Ivan.